How to make a slick short video?


Unsplash picture by Jakob Owens

While it is well known that marketing videos is the most important way for businesses to communicate with their target audience, many brand and marketing managers are apprehensive that this may prove to be a very complicated and expensive exercise. This is not really true, and the following tips show you why that is-


1.       Showcase the Brand Personality

Your brand will stand out only if you are able to showcase its unique personality. For you to do that you have to attempt to make the video memorable in a manner that resonates with your target audience. You could have someone very personable and presentable convey these emotions via a video. Using humour to get one’s point across may be a good idea.

Practising several times over till one get’s it right is the way to achieve the right kind of vibe and the ability to impactfully convey the message to the target audience in question.


Unsplash Video by Jakob Owens

2.       You Need to Show What Your Product and Service Are All About

The very purpose of a marketing video is to let one’s target audience be intimately connected with one’s product or service. There is a whole lot of technology out there like screen capture videos that helps you do that. Be very deliberate and focused in explaining the features of your products and services. If the product is a physical one demonstrated how it can be used.  Use captions, pop ups and images wherever necessary to embellish the main points.

3.       Give the Video a Professional Look

It doesn’t cost the earth to give a video a professional look. A decent enough camera (even an iPhone and a Google Pixel camera) would do. Investing in a good microphone is always an asset as well. The story of the video should be planned in advance, and one should choose the background with care. Shooting outdoors in natural light gives great results. An indoor shoot necessitates an investment in some work lights.

4.       Use a Tripod

The very essence of good film making is a camera that does not shake. A tripod can help achieve that in the case of still shots and a camera stabilizer in the case of moving shots. Not only will doing that make your shots look a lot slicker, but it will also make the editing a lot easier.

5.       Provide Value to Your Target Audience

While videos are great at attracting an audience, what will really make for meaningful engagement with them would be your ability to provide them with real value. This could include your solving a knotty problem of theirs, offering them a free trial or a free product sample. If your target audience obtains value from watching your video content, you could ultimately have them eating out of your hands.

6.       Tell a Tale

Humans are hard wired to respond to a tale told well. That is the intention with which you should be setting out to create video content.  To accomplish this, you could make one compelling video or a series of them.  A story well told makes it easier for you to leverage a call to action on the part of the target audience because of their enhanced involvement.



Thus, we see that while making video to market one’s products and services is the flavour of the times, any hesitancy one may have on account of the technical difficulty and the heavy expense involved in the process is really unfounded. All that one needs is a bit of smart and out of the box thinking and plenty of imagination and one can get down to making the kind of video marketing content that adds real zing to one’s customer outreach efforts.





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