How to choose a good graphic designer.


Unsplash Photo by Jimmy Exodus

Hiring a graphic designer is no easy task, especially for those who are not well versed with the ins and outs of the graphic design industry. You don’t just go looking for the most talented graphic designer out there and hire him or her on the spot. There are other factors like your compatibility with the designer, their level of commitment to your project and their ability to resolve knotty design problems with ease that you might have to take into account.

There are in fact a number of things that you should take into account, when zeroing in on a graphic designer that is just right for you. Let’s look at what these might be-

1.       1. Have a clear and precise idea about what you expect from the graphic designer

How well your designer delivers will depend to a very large extent on the kind of creative brief that you provide. Your objectives from the project should be explicitly clear from the beginning and it would do well to have a clear idea about the kind of qualifications you expect your graphic designer to possess.  That apart you should set realistic deadlines for the completion of the project and be upfront about the expected bottlenecks.


Unsplash photo by Pexels-Tranmautritam

2.       2. Have a clear idea about the kind of skill set you expect the designer to possess

You should have some idea about what your campaign is going to be all about and what sort of skills your designer should bring to the table. You might, for instance, have some inputs about the kind of images and tools to be used. A clear perception about such factors might make the selection process easier.

3.       3. Find Out How Dexterous the Candidates Are

You should be able to find out how dexterous and innovative the designer in question to gauge their ability to handle challenges and difficulties. It is good to find out how they fare in this regard to ensure that you have no trouble with them later. Asking probing and searching questions may be the way to do that.

4.      4. Don’t rely on past work to determine competence

While it is all very well to go through the designer’s portfolio, it would be a better idea to get an idea about the thought process behind their creativity. Engaging them in a creative discussion about their design philosophy would be a much better idea.

5.      5. Relevant Industry Experience is important

If the designer in question has the requisite industry experience, it might make it easier for you to explain your concept to them and apprise them of what you expect of them quite comprehensively.

6. A Trial Project May Be a Good Idea

Starting with a small trial project to gauge the skills of the designer may be a good way of finding the person that you are looking for.  The idea behind the exercise is to give a chance to the designer to display his or her designing project.




A good graphic designer is not all that difficult to find if you know the exact scope of your work and are able to explain that to the person you choose. As regards, finding the right person, following the above steps should be of help.









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