
How to make a slick short video?

  Unsplash picture by Jakob Owens While it is well known that marketing videos is the most important way for businesses to communicate with their target audience, many brand and marketing managers are apprehensive that this may prove to be a very complicated and expensive exercise. This is not really true, and the following tips show you why that is-   1.        Showcase the Brand Personality Your brand will stand out only if you are able to showcase its unique personality. For you to do that you have to attempt to make the video memorable in a manner that resonates with your target audience. You could have someone very personable and presentable convey these emotions via a video. Using humour to get one’s point across may be a good idea. Practising several times over till one get’s it right is the way to achieve the right kind of vibe and the ability to impactfully convey the message to the target audience in question.   Unsplash V...

Graphic Designing Trends 2021


How to leverage video marketing


How to leverage video marketing

 It is quite well established that content marketing is the best way forward with regard to building a brand and growing a business. Content is not just written content as we are well aware by now and includes all manner of audio and video content. These days it is video marketing that is the flavor of the times, when it comes to content marketing. It has become quite important for a business to craft a well honed video marketing strategy that aids growth and gives an impetus to one’s all-round marketing endeavor. This includes everything from social media and blogs to websites and other promotion platforms. The reasons for leveraging video marketing are extremely sound ones. For starters an overwhelming part of the consumer internet traffic is on account of video content. Did you know that a mind boggling 500 million people watch videos on Facebook every single day.  Video content on social media is a dozen times more successful in getting shared than texts and messages c...

How to choose a good graphic designer.

  Unsplash Photo by Jimmy Exodus Hiring a graphic designer is no easy task, especially for those who are not well versed with the ins and outs of the graphic design industry. You don’t just go looking for the most talented graphic designer out there and hire him or her on the spot. There are other factors like your compatibility with the designer, their level of commitment to your project and their ability to resolve knotty design problems with ease that you might have to take into account. There are in fact a number of things that you should take into account, when zeroing in on a graphic designer that is just right for you. Let’s look at what these might be- 1.        1.  Have a clear and precise idea about what you expect from the graphic designer How well your designer delivers will depend to a very large extent on the kind of creative brief that you provide. Your objectives from the project should be explicitly clear from the beginning and it wou...

Graphic Designing Trends 2021

                                Marketing in the second decade of the 21 st  century is an all-new ball game. Branding is all about coming up with a marketing strategy that speaks to the customers. This puts pressure on designers to come up with designs that resonate on a social level, emphasizing the needs of the customers by choosing the right kind of aesthetics.    Among the trends that dominate are the ability to  visualize data easily.  Data being the driving force behind digitization, brands are increasingly looking at growing their customer base by leveraging the power of data. Creative design agencies are, therefore, leaving no stone unturned to simplify the process of data consumption on the part of the customers by deploying easy data visualization.    They use myriad types of data in a manner that is both visually arresting and to the point. This has led to a bur...

Why is graphic designing so utterly important?

  Photo by Pixabay There is nothing like graphic designing to optimize one’s marketing endeavors across marketing media. Furthermore, it is of great help It helps in brand building. No business in this day and age can survive in the absence of an ability to communicate with one’s target audience in an outstanding manner.    The best way that one can do that is by visually communicating the key attributes of one’s product or service. That is because most of the information processed by the human brain is visual. This makes it imperative for businesses to leverage the power of graphic design to get the message across.    A majority of people are visual learners who would prefer to engage with a visual message than with one containing heavy text. The speed of absorption is way higher in the case of visual messages than in the case of messages in the shape of text. Visuals are in fact processes tens of thousands of times faster in the human brain than text is...